The Company

Fuse Design is about shared ideas and shared space.

Let’s journey together.  We can turn your good choices into great options and have some fun along the way.

IMG_0547Through style and purpose, we blend leading edge concepts, great people and innovative design, taking your dreams and making them a reality for all your cabinetry needs.

With so many designs and colors, the options sometimes become overwhelming.  Lets sit down together, enjoy a cup of coffee and allow us to minimize the stress!


Your decision to purchase a kitchen is a ‘big deal’. With so many styles, design and colors it can become overwhelming.  Let us help you simplify the details. FullSizeRender

Rather than your purchase of a new kitchen being just a transaction, our desire is to make it an enjoyable experience that attends to your needs and values.

The less obvious

We start with intentional conversations that guide you through the complete process. We ask you to consider some of the less obvious questions; Are you reaching for some items that are used more frequently than others? Have you considered what theRendering Concept Cam8Type3 optimal height for your cooking surfaces, microwave and ovens might be? Which counter surfaces are best for your living spaces when you consider the natural and artificial light in your home?

Your journey 

We don’t just hand you a map – we’re your personal guide.

Your personally guided tour through the CorElements section of our showroom will provide you thorough detail on each feature and the benefit and function it contains. When your visit is complete, you will have identified  what key features are important to you.  These will then be incorporated into your very own kitchen design by our team of professionals.

Book your personal tour today. Call Wayne or Dave at 306-934-3838